Roof Repair
Concrete Tile Roofs
Leaks in tile roofs are generally confined to one or more of the following problems.
- Cracked or broken roof tiles
- Cracked or broken bedding (ridge or hip capping)
- Displaced roof tiles
- Blocked water channels
- Skylights and downpipes
Tile Replacement
- Locate cracked tiles and identify the type of tile on your roof.
- If the tile is displaced move back into position along the line.
- Purchase the cracked tiles and some spare for the future.
- Remove cracked tiles one by one carefully.
- Replace tiles and insert into position.
- Take the broken tiles down from the roof and dispose of.
- Small cracks in the tiles will be sealed with our Selleys silicone glue.
Rebedding and Repointing
Over time and movement of your house your bedding and capping will shift and cause cracks.
- When the bedding has cracked and moved, it will require rebedding and repointing.
- We will identify the linear meters required and prepare materials.
- We will apply pointing compound, Selleys PointWorks to the ridges. This forms a strong bond between the roof tiles and ridge capping.
- Small cracks in the mortar will be sealed with our Selleys silicone glue.
Metal and Decromastic Roofs
Leaks in metal and decromastic roofs are generally confined to one or more of the following problems.
- Damaged or loose screws
- Rust or holes
- Displaced metal sheeting
- Blocked water channels
- Holes or loose waterproofing around Skylights and downpipes
Over time and movement of your house your metal roof will fade, begin to rust and discolour. This might cause unexpected leaks. Leaks can cause major damage to your home costing you more money in the future.
Metal or decromastic roof process is an easy fix for you:
Locate leaking areas inside and work out where the leak is coming from. If we cannot locate on the roof we can crawl into attic space to find the holes when its raining.
If the sheet is beyond repair replace the metal sheet or decromastic tile block and screw back in place, silicone holes and clear area.
If the damaged area or holes are repairable, we apply a 3 coat mesh waterproofing solution. This fabric engrained product hardens like concrete.
Damaged and badly rusted screws will be removed and replaced and silicone.
Our rust treatment process will treat and contain the rust and stop this from spreading further over your roof.
If the leak is around pipes or skylights we will use our waterproofing process and can also apply our roof tape along with the 3 coat solution.
Small holes and around other areas will be sealed with our Selleys silicone glue.
If you are using us for our full restoration service, this will include cleaning and 3 coats of paint before or during the above process.